November: Another recital, another turkey

The Pre-Thanksgiving recital in Delaware was a complete triumph– for several reasons: first, the audience showed up and shared wonderful energy with Aurelien and I as we told Debussy, Schumann and Fauré’s stories about life and love; second, I felt so comfortable with the music and with the collaboration that I could dive deeply into the musical and narrative story as we performed; and third, I felt beautiful and captivating and that I was heard as a singer, a musician, an artist and a story-teller. Kerriann, the ever fabulous VP of Engagement and queen of engagement herself, also led a wonderful Q&A with Aurelien and I after the performance that gave us a chance to speak about our artistic experience with the program. It was refreshing to add a little brain to the audience’s perception of us as “the performers”. Thanks again to Aurelien and OperaDelaware for the opportunity to present the program for your generous and loving audience. I feel more and more at home there in Wilmington, despite the fact that now I must fast from the First State’s lack of sales tax and from their businesses that aren’t open on weekends until the Wilmington audiences have once again worked up an appetite for Marie Engle, mezzo-soprano. It was well worth every moment this fall!

I left the recital with Dad, Kendra and Natalie, as we drove through Delaware to Ocean City, MD, where we spent Thanksgiving in an AirBnB on the beach. Ethan and his gf Madelynn arrived Tuesday and Grace, Ben and the 4 little ones arrived Wednesday night. Many sandy walks, trips to the Coffee Beanery, games of Fishbowl and Settlers of Catan later, Grace’s Lancaster County turkey was long gone and I was back on the train to NYC. It was a delightful and chaotic time together, as family trips tend to be for us, but I am grateful for the intentional connections I got to have with each person as life changes all of us and transforms our friendships. I also got to see my Juilliard classmate Katerina who is from Ocean City and made the effort to meet up with me and chat for hours! It was such a special connection and so cool to ask her about growing up in the enigma of a place that is Ocean City.

Since then, I have been back in NYC. I have been singing auditions, rehearsing, taking absurdly long walks across the city, dreaming, planning programs, meeting lots of friends, going to lots of concerts, thrift-shopping, picking up TooGoodToGo orders, hosting tea parties and teaching. I continue to be so thankful for the meaningful friendships I have in NYC– many with fellow musicians, some with dear family members, and even reconnecting with amazing friends from undergrad. It is also a joy to run into colleagues at auditions and performances. All these people lift me up, make me feel like a superstar- they make me believe in what I am pursuing, even if the industry doesn’t recognize it as valid because it isn’t revenue driven. I have been working on a program for a peace-building workshop/recital that I am really jazzed about. More to come on that venture!

Another short but sweet summary of life,

Marie on Road

Marie Engle